
An Open Letter to New Braunfels Tourists: 2019 Edition

Dear #NBTX Tourists,

Is it really that time of year again?

Without fail, as the hazy springtime sun melts into blazing summer heat, literally millions of you will pack your Yeti coolers full of Shiner Bock and Buc-ee’s loot and head to the sweet relief of the Guadalupe and Comal Rivers.

Image Courtesy of The NB Scene

During that sweltering window between May and September, you find sweet sunscreen-laden solace in these waters, pumping over $469 million into the local economy! (More on that here...)

But here's the kicker: while classic Hill Country hospitality is something we New Braunfels folks pride ourselves on, it’s easy to get rubbed the wrong way when we hear less-than-stellar language or watch wayward cans float down the would-be crystal-clear waters of our beloved Comal. let’s keep our friendship strong and our waters clear with a few ground rules.

Image Courtesy of Landa Falls Tubing

1. Keep the Noise Levels Chill

Remember that river ordinances require noise devices to stay at a reasonable level! You can jam your indie rock, oldies, NPR, or whatever you’re into these long as it’s not audible beyond 50 feet.

2. Wear Appropriate Attire

We get it: the entire point of the tubing scene is to strip down and cool off. These 100+ degree days can make anyone lose their mind (and their shirt). But remember that context is key! Most restaurants and establishments still require shoes and a shirt, and even floating down the river still requires a few choice swim garments.

3. Carpool & Park Smart

Carpooling was cool in school, and around here we consider it a year-long trend. Traffic and parking can get a bit heinous, so help out the local roads and team up for a road trip. Oh, and please don’t park in private or business-designated lots! The city recommends parking at a local river outfitter (as they typically have on-site or no charge parking with shuttle services). Otherwise, visitors are encouraged to park at Prince Solms Park for $30 and Elizabeth Ave for $10.

Image Courtesy of River Haven

4. Respect Public Property

To you, it may be just a weekend spot...but to us, it’s home! We’ve worked hard to build our parks, waterways, and all the rest. Please respect public property by picking up after yourself, refraining from vandalism, and just generally being good stewards of the area. Oh, and be kind to the animals in our parks!

5. Say “Nah” to Crime

This one is a no-brainer: please keep crime to a zilch! We know it’s easy to fudge the rules a little when school’s out for summer, but we’d like to keep our town safe and livable. Please no public intoxication, buying alcohol for minors, trespassing, public indecency, etc.

Image Courtesy of Landa Falls Tubing

6. Be Kind to Workers + Mindful of Locals

Because the hospitality industry contributes significantly to the New Braunfels economy, a large portion of our residents work in the tourism sector (almost 30%)! The hard-working employees in this industry range from food service to retail, and each of them deserves your immense respect. Tip your servers, be courteous to theme park workers, be patient with long lines, and remember that residents always appreciate kind and considerate out-of-towners.

7. Don't Mess With NB: Littering

While we’re incredibly grateful for the near $470 million you pour into our local economy each year, we’re less than stoked about the 500 barrels' worth of garbage that also gets poured into our rivers. The issue has been faced with numerous discussions and creative solutions...but at this point, we still have to hire divers to keep our waterways clean.

This has led the city to some pretty strict rules: ONLY non-disposable containers are allowed on the river. That includes food, drink, whatever. Disposable containers of ANY kind are a no-go. You're still more than welcome to bring your beer and rosè...but stick to a flask or a reusable bottle when you hop in the river.

If you're still fuzzy on the details, click here for a complete list of NB's river rules, the floating forecast, and more!

Image Courtesy of Pourhaus

8. Explore a Little

We’d agree that our crown gems are our sparkling riverfronts...but there are plenty more things to do in New Braunfels! After you’ve exhausted your supply of sunscreen, we’d invite you to explore a myriad of other local options. Check out our Pocket Guide to a Perfect New Braunfels Day to see what we mean!


New Braunfels

P.S. If our town has really wooed you, and you’re considering moving to the area, let us be your guide We’d be honored to be the ones to help guide you through the whole process, from connecting with a lender to signing the closing papers. Plus, we’ve created an exclusive guide just for the New Braunfels buyer! Let us know how we can help your search for the right home as seamless as possible.

Note: This blog was originally published in 2016 and has been updated yearly to reflect current info.
