
13 Social Media Updates that Pretty Much Sum Up How Awesome New Braunfels Is

1. This update about a person who moved and regrets it.

2. This post about some adorable, tiny New Braunfels deer.  Because you gotta love Texas wildlife!

3. This tweet about doing what New Braunfels does best. Did someone say toobing?

4. This update about the time that this person fell in love with the ducks at Landa Park.

5. This Instagram post showing off New Braunfels dressed in its Christmas finest. 

6. This post that proudly portrays how we feel about our German heritage.

7. This tweet from someone who should probably move to New Braunfels.

8. This tweet that compliments our recreational activities AND our food.

9. This Instagrammer who can't get enough of New Braunfels.

10. This Facebook post telling everyone where to find those sweet, sweet bluebonnets.

11. This post from a guy who tags New Braunfels in Red Hot Chili Pepper lyrics.

12. This picture that accurately portrays how we get through the final months of "winter" in New Braunfels.

13.  And finally, this post that shows how AFFORDABLE New Braunfels is! A 4 bedroom house for $165,000? Seriously?!

As New Braunfels real estate professionals, we know more than just homes; we know New Braunfels. With several native New Braunfels agents, we know every section of the city, right down to the block. We love our city and are passionate about what we do. Tell us what you want, and we’ll find it. Ready to start your New Braunfels home search? Search for homes now. 
